A taste of the Czech republic

7. juli 2015

BioFokus is currently mapping bryophytes and lichens in the region of Vlasim in the Czech republic. The survey is part of a project led by CSOP Vlasim (the Czech Union for Nature Conservation Vlasim). CSOP are creating management plans for a number of important nature localities. Three of the BioFokus staff are thereby experiencing and enjoying bilateral cooperation, field work and culture in a (for us) new country. The field work will go on until the end of the week. Further information will come.

The project is focused on cooperation with landowners managing areas important for nature and landscape conservation. The main objective of the project is to inform landowners about friendly farming methods, leading them to such farming methods, and due to this improve the condition of the sites managed by the land trust valuable sites will be developed. Also, the project aims to improve the condition of the sites managed by the land trust due to interventions at locations supporting the biodiversity.

Thr project is supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants. www.eeagrants.org. More information about the project can be found at the project website: http://www.pozemkovyspolek.net/cs/the-land-trust-of-podblanicko-region-–-development-of-activities-and-care-of-valuable-areas-throug-the-landowners

Anders Thylén


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