Nytt nummer av Norwegian Journal of Entomology

14. august 2017

Norwegian Journal of Entomology vol. 64-1 ble trykket 29. juni. I dette nummeret kan du lese om funn av 5 nye arter av veps i familien Pteromalidae fra Norge. Sikaden Cicadetta montana er rapportert som ny for Estland. U-myggen Dixella laeta er meldt ny for Norge og i tillegg gis en oversikt over karakterer som kan være nyttige i artsbestemmelse. Edderkoppen Centromerus arcanus er rapportert som ny for Grønland. Nummeret inneholder også en oversikt over lopper på Færøyene. Holarktiske og orientale arter i Platycheirus manicatus gruppen er revidert og det gis også en nøkkel til bestemmelse av artene. En artikkel presenterer arter i vepsefamilien Encyrtidae fra Oslo kommune og her beskrives også en ny art for vitenskapen – Blastothrix osloensis. I tillegg er vepsearten Aleiodes ungularis rapportert som ny for Norge.

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Lindemann, J.P. & Hansen, L.O. 2017. New records of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64, 1–4. [LAST NED]

The following five species of the family Pteromalidae are reported for the first time from Norway: Gastrancistrus autumnalis (Walker, 1834), Gastrancistrus picipes (Nees, 1834), Glyphognathus laevis (Delucchi, 1953), Tricyclomischus celticus Graham, 1956 and Apelioma pteromalinum (Thomson, 1878). This brings the total number of Norwegian pteromalids up to 276. Comments on biology and distribution for each species are given. The aim of this report is to highlight the occurrence of the family in Norway and to contribute to a complete check-list of the Norwegian species.

Liivamägi, A. & Tarlap, P. 2017. Records of Cicadetta montana (Scopoli, 1772) (Hemiptera, Cicadidae) from Estonia. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64, 5–9. [LAST NED]

We here present the first records of the mountain cicada Cicadetta montana (Scopoli, 1772) from Estonia. The species was first detected in 2014, despite the fact that the Estonian Hemipterologist Juhan Vilbaste presumed the occurrence of the species in the country many decades ago. The only known population of this remarkable species is located in the eastern part of Estonia. Recent field surveys (2014–2016) from the locality revealed that the population of C. montana is abundant. A total of 503 exuviae were gathered in 2016. The species inhabits the area of an old abandoned gravel-pit situated in a forested landscape.

Håland, Ø. 2017. Dixella laeta (Loew, 1849) (Diptera, Dixidae) new to Norway, and some characters possibly useful in creating species groups. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64, 10–18. [LAST NED]

The dixid midge Dixella laeta (Loew, 1849) has been found in Norway. The earlier published figures of the hypopygium and a character of the wing are discussed. D. laeta is compared to Dixella dyari (Garrett, 1924), D. obscura (Loew, 1849) and D. autumnalis (Meigen, 1818), and some differences are noted. The four species show similarity in the shape of one character, the cercus, which is not previously emphasized in descriptions of the male hypopygium. The possibilities and problems of using this character to define a species-group, are discussed, and the shape of the cercus is found to not be very useful in defining a species group.

Lissner, J. & Gravesen, E. 2017. First record of Centromerus arcanus (O. P.-Cambridge, 1873) from Greenland (Araneae, Linyphiidae). Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64, 19–21. [LAST NED]

The linyphiid spider Centromerus arcanus (O. P.-Cambridge, 1873) is reported new to Greenland. A single female was pitfall trapped in South-West Greenland at Kobbefjord in the summer of 2016 constituting the first record of this species in the Nearctic ecozone. The habitat in which the Greenland specimen was collected is described. The number of spider species cited from Greenland now counts to 78 species.

Jensen, J.-K. & Magnussen, E. 2017. Flea species (Insecta, Siphonaptera) from the Faroe Islands. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64, 22–27. [LAST NED]

The current investigation specifies the occurrence of four flea species living in the Faroe Islands: Ceratophyllus garei (Rothschild, 1902), Dasypsyllus gallinulae gallinulae (Dale, 1878), Leptopsylla segnis (Schönherr, 1811) and Ctenophthalmus nobilis (Rothschild, 1902). One of these species, C. garei, has never been reported in the Faroe Islands before. In addition, the flea species that have been reported in the Faroe Islands during the years 1929 to 2016 are listed. In total eleven species have been found. However, one of them, Pulex irritans (Linnaeus, 1758), has probably disappeared again.

Nielsen, T.R. & Barkalov, A.V. 2017. A revision of and key to the Holarctic and Oriental Platycheirus manicatus group species (Diptera, Syrphidae). Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64, 28–52. [LAST NED]

The paper deals with the Platycheirus manicatus group species and species names known from the Nearctic, Palaearctic and Oriental regions. It reviews 29 species names and suggests 24 valid names and 5 synonyms. We suggest the following three as new synonyms: Platycheirus arat Violovitsh, 1975 = P. subordinatus Becker, 1915; Platycheirus fumosus Violovitsh, 1982 = P. discimanus Loew, 1871 and Platycheirus katunicus Skufjin, 1987 = P. complicatus Becker, 1889. The females of the little known Platycheirus fasciculatus Loew, 1856 and Platycheirus kashkarovi Violovitsh, 1978 are described and figured. The similar morphological characters of the Nearctic P. flabella Hull, 1944 and the Palaearctic P. complicatus and P. kittilaensis Dušek & Láska, 1982 indicates the need of a genetic analysis to illuminate their relationship. A key to males and females of the group is presented.

Japoshvili, G. & Hansen, L.O. 2017. Chalcid wasps of the family Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Oslo Municipality, Norway, with description of a new species. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64, 53–60. [LAST NED]

This contribution focuses on the family Encyrtidae from Oslo Municipality, one of the richer areas in Norway as biodiversity concerns. The following four species are reported for the first time from Norway: Metaphycus punctipes (Dalman, 1820), Protyndarichoides aligarhensis (Fatma & Shafee, 1985), Psyllaephagus belanensis (Hoffer, 1963) and Trechnites trjapitzini Sugonjaev, 1968, and one additional species, Blastothrix osloensis sp. n., is described and illustrated. This brings the total number of Norwegian encyrtids up to 141, and 30 of these are recorded from Oslo Municipality. Comments on biology and distribution of the species are given. The aim of this study is to highlight the distribution of Encyrtidae in Norway, and to provide a complete list of the Norwegian species.

Shaw, M. R. & Haraldseide, H. 2017. First record of Aleiodes ungularis (Thomson, 1892) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Rogadinae) from Norway. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64, 61–62. [LAST NED]

Aleiodes ungularis (Thomson, 1892) is reported from Norway for the first time. Locality and biology are briefly discussed.


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